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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Eating Habits and Influences

The Unhealthy Habit Kids Learn From Mom

     If you’re like many parents who are stuck in the rut of cramming errands, family obligations, and long car rides into their weekend time, a few small adjustments may be all you need to add more movement into the mix.  “What we’re looking for is to set kids up for a lifetime habit of being physically active,” says Dr. Julie Maina, associate professor at Roanoke College who studies childhood obesity and children. Remember: Exercise also helps adults stay less stressed – and all that movement will help tire out your kid so he or she sleeps better at night. Get started in these small ways - By Debbie Strong Read More

Health & Nutrition: Kids

Who's In Charge?
Does the media influence you or your child to buy unhealthy products when you shop?
Children can easily develop poor eating behaviors as a result of poor choices they make at meal times.
Do you agree that the media uses child resources like cartoon commercials, movie commercials, toys, salt and sugar to  convince your child that they have to have the product?
If your child has been influenced to eat unhealthy foods on a regular basis and has developed poor eating habits he or she may need help improving their decision making when they are idle or alone.
Obesity or nourishment can occur in both overweight and underweight children and teenagers. The main focus here is nutrition. Caregivers, Parents and/or Guardians should be careful to prepare nutritionally balanced meals for your child on a regular day to day basis. This helps your child to make healthy choices independently.
Be forewarned that product brands are promoted on a daily basis to earn money for the sake of the business and not your child's health. 
Professionals are trained to influence or to convince your children to buy their products even if they are not healthy for them.
Vending machines are loaded with exciting product packaging and labels to get you to buy this stuff for your child. Be sure to check nutrition labels on every product you buy no matter how flashy or trendy it looks.
Snacking should only be a small percentage of your child's diet.
Eating unhealthy foods on a regular basis can be a huge barrier on your child's education or increase his or her risk of becoming ill or contacting an illness. 
Excessive tiredness, poor performance in academics or even  more serious health issues can develop later on during adulthood if the child does not obtain the proper nourishment.
Teach your children how to make healthy decisions and how to improve his or her eating habits.
Who's In Charge?
Question: Should the Media be held responsible for your child's poor Eating Habits? Why? Why not?